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Title : Hubungan Ibu Bapa dan Anak : Panduan Pengasuhan
Authors : Hisham Altalib, Abdulhamid Abusulayman and Omar Altalib
Language : Bahasa Melayu
Year : 2022
ISBN : 978-629-97301-0-1
Price : RM 80
Book Description
Buku ini ditulis untuk semua ibu bapa di dunia ini. Muslim mahupun bukan Muslim. Memberikan dimensi baru dalam dunia keibubapaan. Memfokuskan kepada intipati sebenar peranan ibu bapa dalam melahirkan generasi baru yang segar dalam melahirkan generasi baru yang segar keintelektualannya, dinamis ideologinya dan membumi peranannya sebagai hamba Tuhan dan khalifah di bumi.
Title : Epistemological Integration : Essentials of Islamic Methodology
Author : Fathi Hasan Malkawi
Language : English
Year : 2019
ISBN : 978-1-56564-557-8
Price : RM 20
Book Description
The book is a program which seeks to construct an intellectual framework for Islamic methodology with a view to realizing practical training in the thoughtful investigation of issues related to knowledge in various fields. The book’s title affirms the distinctive types of integration that characterize Islamic methodology, including integration of sources, means, and schools of thought, as well as existing realities with desired ideals etc. This is fully consistent with human nature, as variety is fundamental to the functions people perform and skills they master. The work essentially makes the case that fundamental to any Muslim recovery is laying the foundations of sound thinking and values that integrate the two main sources of knowledge: Revelation and Reality (that is the created worlds both physical, societal and psychological) under the umbrella of Tawhid. This concept of integration implies using both human theoretical conceptualization and practical experimental investigation whilst also affirming the need to apply human capabilities in understanding the divine text, and acquiring sound knowledge of the physical world in terms of its resources, as well as accumulated past and present human experiences. The aim being to vitalize human potential and creativity.
Title : Preserving Unity and Avoiding Division : A New Approach to the Ethics of Disagreement in Islam
Author : Taha Jabir Al-Alwani
Language : English
Year : 2024
ISBN : 979-8-89193-050-6
Price : RM 20
Book Description
The cultivation of a thriving Muslim civilization necessitates the rediscovery of the indispensable skills of engaging in respectful disagreement among Muslims. This competency holds the potential to effectively navigate potentially divisive situations and contentious issues. Al-Alwani’s work sheds illuminating insight on the constructive dimensions of disagreement and elucidates how early Muslim societies embraced it as a revitalizing force.
Nonetheless, as Islam underwent expansion and development, and the initial generations of Muslims passed away, theological and jurisprudential debates became prevalent, leading to a neglect of the overarching objectives and aspirations of the Ummah. These protracted and intense divisions and conflicts endured over centuries, adversely impacting the advancement, coherence, and potency of the Muslim civilization. The book in question presents numerous exemplary instances wherein celebrated historical figures and scholars within the Muslim community displayed tolerance and comprehension. It fervently urges contemporary Muslims to revive such a spirit of forbearance and understanding. By doing so, they can foster a sense of unity, comprehension, and advancement within the broader framework of the Muslim civilization.
Title : The Postnormal Times Reader
Editor : Ziauddin Sardar
Language : English
Year : 2017
ISBN : 978-1-56564-991-0
Price : RM 20
Book Description
An anthology of key papers on origins, concepts and methods of postnormal times theory, the Reader also explores a whole range of issues – from science, religion, cinema, governance and creativity to European Union and East-West relations from the postnormal perspective.
Title : The Postnormal Times Reader Volume 2
Editor : Ziauddin Sardar, Shamim Miah, C. Scott Jordan
Language : English
Year : 2024
ISBN : 978-0-9957581-1-7
Price : RM 30
Book Description
The Postnormal Times Reader Volume 2 updates the theory and methods, offers new ways of developing scenarios, and suggest ways and means to engage communities in polylogues. It explores the notions of time, knowledge, ignorance and modernity, and outlines potential futures beyond postnormal times based on decolonised creativity and mutually assured diversity. The reader also showcases how postnormal times theory is being used in diverse disciplines – from political science and international relations to science studies, education, museology and drama and theatre.
Postnormal times presents us with existential threats, understanding the postnormal condition, the changing nature of accelerating change, is key to our survival.