Following the successful completion of the previous online courses for the Certificate in
Islamic Revealed Knowledge, Certificate in Fiqh and Usul Al-Fiqh, Certificate in Qura’n and
Sunnah, the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) in collaboration with
AbdulHamid AbuSulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences
(AHAS KIRKHS) at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) are happy to
announce the launching of another program of the IIIT online courses for the Certificate in
integration of knowledge for Human Sciences. This certificate program of integration
knowledge in Human Sciences is designed to equip students with an introductory knowledge
in some of the major themes in the study of the Human Sciences. The courses offered cover
aspects of classical and contemporary subject matter related to Human Sciences studies.
The program is aimed at producing participants with knowledge proficiency and
methodological skills capable of dealing with the fundamental sources of Islam, namely the
Islamic Human Sciences and traditions of the Prophet (PBUH). In addition, the program aims
at adopting an interdisciplinary teaching approach to help the participants to better relate and
apply teachings of these fundamental sources of the Shariah to various conditions and
situations in our daily lives.
The launching ceremony for the course will be on 28th September 2024. Classes will be held
once a week every Saturday. The program is scheduled to begin on Saturday, 5th October
2024 and will consist of a total of eighteen lecture weeks. Class time will be from 09:00 am to
12:30 pm Malaysian Time. The classes will be conducted in English and streamed live
through ZOOM, Facebook, and YouTube. Participation is open to all members of the public.
Certificates of Completion will be awarded to participants subject to fulfilling some specific
requirements. These would include among others attending a minimum of 80 percent of
classes and successfully passing set quizzes as outlined by the instructors during the program.
A minimal payment of US$20 may be required for those who may wish to receive a formal
certificate from IIIT upon successful completion the course.
Certificate booklet and slides will be put on Google Drive for your own reference.
Watch the recording of the classes here in our Youtube channel