Representative of IIIT for Thailand
- Ed. (English Language) (1989) Yala Teacher College, Thailand
- Dip Ed.(Education) International Islamic University Malaysia
- Ed.(Islamic Education) (1995) International Islamic University Malaysia
- D. (Philosophy) (2004) University of Malaya, Malaysia
- Ibrahem Narongraksakhet and Shafi I Adam. (2016). Pondok, Madrasah and Islamic Private School in the southern border provinces of Thailand. College of Islamic studies, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus.
- Ibrahem Narongraksakhet. (2015). Critical Study of Leadership Characteristics of the Prophet Yusuf through the Surah Yusuf. Al Hikmah Journal Vol.. 9 January- June 2015 pp: 1-16
- Ibrahima Lamine Sano and Ibrahem Narongraksakhet. (2014). Peace and Conflict Resolution in Ethno-Religious Survival of Minorities; a Comparative and Critical Study of Malay Muslims in Southern Thailand and Siam Buddhists in Malaysia. Humanities and Social Sciences EJournal 03 (04) pp: 277-297.
- Ibrahem Narongraksakhet and Mohd Afandi Salleh (2017). Conflicts of Religious Believes and Cultural practice among Muslim Advance in Social Sciences, Education and Humanities Research. Doi:102991/iconeg162017.47. pp: 202-204.
- Ibrahem Narongraksakhet; Chiraphan Dae-ma and Muhammada Afandi Solih (2019). Malaysian Ways in Molding Quality People based on National Ideology of Malaysia. Journal of Al Hikma. Vol. 19, Janjuary – June 2019. pp: 57-65
- Ismail Katih; Ibrahem Narongraksakhet and Abdullai M. Kaba (2019). A Study of Islamic Education in Southern Thailand Public School: Obstacles and Solutions. Journal of Teaching and Education Vol. 09. Number 01. pp: 129-136
- Ibrahem Narongraksakhet . (2015). Philosophy of Islamic Education Hadyai: Banlu Karnphim.
- Ibrahem Narongraksakhet . (2021). History of Islamic Education 5th ed.. Pattani : Semilan Press.
- Ibrahem Narongraksakhet . (2021). Curriculum and Instruction. Pattani : Pattani Info Service.
- Ibrahima Lamine Sano, Yusof Talek and Ibrahem Narongraksakhet. 2017.
“FACTORS AND POLICIES CONTRIBUTING TO MULTIETHNIC COEXISTENCE IN THAILAND: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF TWO PERSPECTIVES”. International Journal of Arts & Sciences, 2017/2560 (10(2)): 149-162 - Ibrahem Narongraksakhet, Mamady Komah and Suthisak Duereh. 2018.
“TOWARDS A COMMON ISLAMIC STUDIES PROGRAM IN NUSANTARA: PROSPECTS AND CHALLENGES”. Journal of Teaching and Education, International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 2018 (02): 129-140 - Ibrahem Narongraksakhet. 2020.
“Malaysian Ways in Molding Quality People based on the National Ideology of Malaysia”. วารสาร อัล-ฮิกมะฮฺ มหาวิทยาลัยฟาฏอนี , ปีที่ 10 ฉบับที่ 19 มกราคม-มิถุนายน 2563 (ปีที่ 10 ฉบับที่ 19 ): 57-65 - Ismaie Katih, Ibrahema Sano and Ibrahem Narongraksakhet. 2019.
“Ethnic Strategic Movements in Political Representation: Exploring Some Key Conceptual and Theoretical Consideration”. Journal of Civil & Legal Sciences, 2019 (8/2): 1-8
- Education, Curriculum and Instruction.
- Islamic Education.